Our Pumps

Submersible Borehole Pumps
Our full range of 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 inch submersible borehole pumps of radial and semi-axial construction in cast iron, but also completely in stainless steel. Together with the range of submersible motors of 4, 6, 8 and 10 inches, with cast iron closing casings, or completely stainless steel. Powers from 0.37 to 187 kW.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).
Surface Pumps For Claen Water
Our surface pumps for conventionally clean water are in the monobloc orizontal or vertical version, also with coupling between the pump and the motor, and in the multistage version. All models exist both with a cast iron case and with a completely stainless steel case. From small powers to large applications of up to 1500 kW.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).

Submersible Drainage
Small and medium submersible pumps, for draining lightly loaded water (e.g. rainwater, infiltrations, floods,…) domestic applications, quick intervention, construction and mining sites. Range from 0.25 to 15 kW. Stainless steel or cast iron pump casing.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).
Submersible Sewage Pumps, For Municipal Sewage Systems
The wide range of submersible pumps for applications in municipal sewage, wastewater pumping stations (SPAU) and wastewater treatment. Equipped with Vortex, chopper, open monochannel or closed multichannel impeller, with cast iron casing. Robust construction, resistant to heavy applications. Powers from 0.37 to 185 kW. We are able to deliver complete equipment with self-coupling support, guide bars, prefabricated tanks, depending on the client’s requirements.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).

Booster Sets
We deliver the whole range of booster sets with fixed or variable speed, with horizontal and vertical pumps. Our sets are for the water supply of villages and cities, buildings and for various industrial applications. The pumps that make up the group, and related accessories such as distributors, fittings, valves, can be made of standard materials or stainless steel.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).
Fire Fighting Pump Sets
The varied range of fire fighting pump sets, for hydrants, sprinklers and drancers. EN12845 compliant groups, or not, depending on the application and the client’s requirements. Are delivered complete with electric pumps, or operated with a thermal engine, plus all the accessories, as well as the related automatics.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).

In Line Circualtors
Circulation pumps with variable or fixed speed, for applications in buildings, heating and cooling systems. IN LINE pumps for water with temperature up to 130C. Only from renowned suppliers from Europe.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).
Agriculture Irrigation Pumps
We cover the whole range of pumps used in agricultural irrigation, such as EN733 horizontal pumps, double flow split case, horizontal multi-stage, vertical line shaft-turbine pumps. The power range is up to 1500 kW. We supplz also priming vacuum pumps.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).

Industrial Application Pumps
We deliver pumps for many industrial applications, especially thermal and hydropower plants, mining and oil. The most used pumps in these applications are the double-flow, multi-level horizontal ones and the high-flow submersible ones, with axial or mixed flow. Our pumps are up to 15öö kW, equipped with 400V and 6000V motors.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).
Our pumps can be delivered with control panels, electromechanical, electronic or even with a frequency converter, to control one or more pumps. We supply the special electric panels with built-in PLC and SCADA communication through our automation partners.
For detailed information, please contact us (contact form link).